Bylaws – United States Air Rifle Benchrest
February 2023 Revision


A.1  These bylaws constitute the governing principals of the association known as United States Air Rifle Benchrest, otherwise referred to herein as the “association”, or “USARB”.

A.2  This association is dedicated to the promotion and pursuit of the sport of air rifle benchrest shooting throughout the United States of America.

A.3  This association is affiliated with, and in part emulates the World Rimfire and Air Rifle Benchrest Federation (WRABF).

A.4  These bylaws are separate from association rules and procedures elsewhere described.  In cases of conflict between these bylaws and rules or procedures, these bylaws shall prevail.


B.1  Clubs affiliated with the association, both sanctioned and unsanctioned, shall have a Match Director selected by their members, and shooting venue identified.  The Match Director shall manage the club’s shooting activities and serve as its primary contact.

B.2  In addition, the Match Director of clubs currently sanctioned shall:

  1. Assure that club competitions are fairly conducted in general adherence to USARB and WRABF rules.
  2. Compile and submit competition results as required to participate in association programs.
  3. Serve as primary liaison between the club, its members, and the association.
  4. Support and promote the sport of air rifle benchrest in their locale.


C.1  Any air rifle club that subscribes to the purposes of the association may become an affiliated member.  Clubs wanting to hold USARB sanctioned competitions, and participate in other association programs, shall pay a sanctioning fee.  Fee shall provide minimum entitlement of 12 months from date of payment.

C.2  Sanctioned competitions, whether Club, Regional, or National shall generally adhere to USARB and WRABF rules.  Reasonable exceptions at discretion of Match Directors are permitted at Club and Regional events, and must be justified to meet local needs or circumstances.

C.3  Sanctioned National competitions shall additionally comply with association guidelines governing such events.  Exceptions to USARB and WRABF rules will be agreed upon by the National Director or their designate, and must be justified to meet local needs or circumstances.


D.1  A single Director shall govern the actions of the association in compliance with its bylaws.  The individual shall establish USARB specific rules and procedures, ideally after soliciting input from representative and affected association members.  Director may amend these bylaws as deemed necessary, provided notification of amendment is communicated to Match Directors of sanctioned clubs, and displayed on association website.

D.2  Appointment of Director is a lifetime term, unless or until the following occurs:

  1. Director gives notice to voluntarily resign their position, and initiates election process in accordance with Section E.
  2. Physical or cognitive incapacity results in inability to perform duties.
  3. Expulsion of Director as result of “vote of no confidence” documented and presented in writing by majority of sanctioned club Match Directors..

D.3  Director or an appointed Associate shall ensure the accurate maintenance of financial records, and security of financial assets accrued by the association.  Report of annual financial transactions will be displayed on association website.

D.4  Director or an appointed Associate shall be responsible for maintaining record of all decisions and significant actions taken on behalf of the association.

D.5  Director or an appointed Associate shall manage maintenance and routine operation of association website.

D.6  At times, Director may appoint other individual(s) for accomplishing a unique project or function on behalf of the association.


E.1  Within 10 days of Director vacating their position, notification will be posted on association website, and an election process initiated by one of the designated Associates as follows:

  1. Match Directors of all currently sanctioned clubs will be notified, and nominations for replacement Director solicited. Each club shall be allotted one nomination, communicated through their Match Director.  Process to run for 20 days.
  2. A listing of nominated individuals will be compiled and submitted for vote by all sanctioned clubs.  Each club shall be allotted one vote, communicated through their Match Director.  Process to run for 20 days.
  3. Selection of new Director shall be determined by highest number of votes.  In event of tie for highest number, then an additional round of voting shall be undertaken to resolve.
  4. An announcement of final selection will be posted on association website and communicated to sanctioned clubs within 10 days.


F.1  An internet website will be maintained for the purpose of:

  1. Facilitating communication between shooters, association clubs, and the Director.
  2. Posting of relevant information and notices.
  3. Enumerating competition rules, procedures, and USARB specific rifle classifications.
  4. Listing of affiliated clubs and their sanctioning status.
  5. Displaying results of national Scoreline.
  6. Displaying national shooting Records.

F.2   Monetary payment for third party performance of updating and maintenance tasks, or payment of hosting and domain fees related to website operation, will be borne by the association.