USA Requirements
- The target will be the international target format. Scoring will be done by WRABF international rules.
- Shooting is done outdoors at 25 meters and indoors at 25 yards.
- Pellets that touch the bullseye are scored as a 10 and pellets that “obliterate” the bullseye are scored as a “X”. A perfect score would be 250-25X.
- Scoring will be done by experienced scorers and no shooter shall score their own targets. Scoring is to be done for .177, .20 and .22 calibers by using an approved .22 caliber (.224”) gauge/plug.
- Targets should be printed on paper of at least 160 gsm weight or equivalent.
Sanctioned Target Program
- Targets will be professionally printed on 11″ x 17″ 80 pound (175 g/sm) white Vellum Bristol paper, using an accurate to scale approved .pdf file.
- Sale price of targets will be set nearly as practical to actual printing, handling, and shipping cost. This program is not intended to generate above cost revenue for USARB.
- The Board of Directors does encourage the use of sanctioned targets in an effort to promote higher standards and facilitate use.
- Use of sanctioned targets distributed by USARB to sanctioned clubs and their members shall be mandatory beginning year 2016. As mandatory, only sanctioned targets will be approved for use in submittal of Record Scores, submittal of Scoreline scores, and any sanctioned club, or Regional competition events. A similar or equivalent target may be used at competition events utilizing electronic scoring methods at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
- Mandatory use requirement does not preclude the use of other targets for unsanctioned events or practice sessions.
- This program will be managed by an individual member of the Board of Directors on a rotational basis. Responsibility will generally transfer each calendar year.
- All proceeds derived from sale of targets will be directly received, or forwarded to the responsible member as compensation of incurred costs.
Twenty-five and 50 meter targets may be purchased in lots of 100 to 300 through Mark Marini at See the “How do I” section on the home page for complete ordering details.