The rules below are for competing at sanctioned United States Air Rifle Benchrest matches.

The USARB has 5 sanctioned classes. Two of these classes are Light Varmint and Heavy Varmint as outlined in the World Rimfire and Air Rifle Benchrest Federation rule book. The rulebook is available here.

In addition, the USARB includes 3 USA Classes that are described below.

USA Open Class:

  • All lead projectiles of only diablo pellet design in .177, .20 or .22 calibers are allowed.
  • Up to a maximum of 35 foot-pounds of energy.
  • Up to a maximum of 15 pounds total weight.
  • Fore end of stock not to exceed 3 inches in width.
  • Rifles using electrically actuated or powered components, or computer processors and applications are permitted. But all components must reside within the rifle. No adjustments can be made after the match starts. Remote control triggers are not permitted.
  • Wind flags or anemometers sensing and transmitting data to a computer device or display are not allowed.
  • Front rests using electrically actuated or powered components are not permitted.
  • One-piece rests are allowed.
  • Scopes transmitting or receiving data from a computer device are not permitted.
  • Scopes may utilize illumination.
  • Tethered buddy bottles 3l max allowed (per the new WRABF rules).
  • International scoring rules will apply.
  • Target distance will be 25 meters or 50 yards, at the discretion of the match director.

USA Unlimited Class:

  • All lead projectiles of either diablo pellet or cylindrical slug design, in .177, .20 or .22 calibers are allowed.
  • Any power level is allowed.
  • Any weight rifle is allowed.
  • Rifles using electrically actuated or powered components, or computer processors and applications are allowed; these components need not be integral to the rifle.
  • Wind flags or anemometers sensing and transmitting data to a computer device or display are allowed.
  • Front rests using electrically actuated or powered components are allowed.
  • One-piece rests are allowed.
  • Scopes transmitting or receiving data from a computer device are allowed.
  • Scopes may utilize illumination.
  • Tethered buddy bottles 3l max allowed (per the new WRABF rules).
  • International scoring rules will apply.
  • Target distance will be 25 meters, 50 yards, or 100 yards, at the discretion of the match director.

USA Hunter Target Class:

Effective November 1, 2024 the USARB will be offering USA Hunter Target on a trail basis to see if there is any interest in this new discipline. The rules are as follows:

    • Any rifle allowed for AAFTA Hunter Field Target class 20 ft lb class (only .177 and .22 cal allowed)
    • Max scope magnification 16x. Variable power scopes allowed but must be set to 16x or the nearest lower marking on the scope.
    • No shooting jackets. Harnesses, straps, or shooting gloves that restrict movement.
    • Seating, Any form of seating without a back or arm support may be used. Benches are not allowed.
    • Rest, Only monopods, shooting sticks, or bipods may be used. Any such aid must rest on the ground and may not be driven or otherwise embedded into the ground or shooting pad, and cannot be attached to the gun: must released from the gun as the gun is picked up, and must not connect to the gun with studs or devices that restrict gun movement.
    • All AAFTA Hunter class rules apply.
    • Course of Fire will follow USARB 25 meter class using 25 meter targets. 25 scoring shots in 20 minutes, Targets scored to USARB/WRABF guidelines.
    • Matches may be shot indoors or outdoors and noted when submitting scores to scoreline.
    • A shorter distance 20 meters and or 12 ft lb class MAY be added if needed.

USA Spring Piston Class:

  • Power plants: Spring or Piston. Rifle must be cocked for each shot. When the trigger is pulled, a piston or spring (which is the source of power) is released, thereby compressing a mass of air to launch a pellet. No rifles in this class may store compressed air that is used to fire the pellet.
  • Power restrictions: Any FPE may be used.
  • Rests: Two piece rests are allowed as referenced in Section B8.1-B11 of 2014 WRABF. Exceptions: Bipod use is allowed.
  • Calibers: .177, .20, .22
  • Scoring: World Rules apply.
  • Distance: 25 meters or 50 yards, at the discretion of the match director.
  • Match Times: Shall be 20 minutes, or as referenced in WRABF rules Section D3.
  • Maximum Rifle Weight: No weight limit.
  • Stock: 3″ maximum forend width. Rules as specified in Appendix F of the WRABF.