A $25.00 yearly, per club donation will be collected for sanctioning purposes.  Note that only sanctioned clubs will be afforded the opportunity to post scores to the Scoreline, Regional, or Records pages. Funds will be used to cover both organizational expenses and discretionary items.

Donations should be in check form with a memo line entry of club’s name and the word “donation”.  Make check payable to Steve Ware (as designated Treasurer), and send to the following address:

Steve Ware
2404 E. Sky Creek Dr.
Green Valley, AZ 85614

Club Directory

Camp Maria – Yelm, WA

No Photo Available
Sanctioned Through January 2022 Contact: David Zinski Home Phone: 360-458-7962

We are a USARB sanctioned range.  We shoot  on a private range at 25 meters out doors and 25 yards indoors.  Three classes are shoot, LV, HV and Spring Piston on our six lanes.  We hold our matches twice a month, with two relays per match.  We are located in Thurston county south east of Yelm, WA.